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Academic Departments at SIUP

The School has four departments and various sections under

1. Urban and Regional Planning

–    Cartography
–    Physical/ Spatial Planning
–    Surveying
–    Landscape Architecture
–    Urban Housing and Financing
–    Estate Development and Management
–    Urban Local Governance and Financing

2. Transport Modelling and Analysis/Engineering

–    Transport Logistics
–    Public Transport Policy
–    Transport Modelling
–    Logistics and Supply Chain Management
–    Railway Planning and Operations
–    Transport Modes and Systems
–    Analysis Tools for Transport
–    Transport Planning

3. Environmental Sciences

–    Environmental Management and Audit /Impact Assessment
–    Environmental Spatial Planning
–    Environmental Engineering
–    Environmental Health
–    Environmental Pollution (Air, Soil, Water)
–    Environmental Policy/Law

–    Public Health / Epidemiology

4. Urban Civil Engineering Works, Surveying and Architecture

–    Drainage (SUDS) Systems Design
–    Pavement Design
–    Truck and Gateway Road Design
–    Cycle and Walk Ways Design
–    Urban Building Design
–    Street Lights Design
–    Traffic Lights design

To Note: All Master Students are required on enrollment to fill in Official Study Programme Forms (OSP) from their respective Departments / Section.