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Application and Admission Forms

30 sep Posted by in Categorised | Comments

Download your application forms from here fill it in and return to the School.

SIUP Application forms

You can offer Chartered Institute of Logistic and Transport (UK) courses at SIUP

If you have completed your course fill in the certificate of completion

and take it to your respective department

Certificate Of Completion

If you want to specialise in any particular field fill in the form below and return to you respective department.

Certificate Specialisation Form

If you wish to do a join diploma or degree please fill the form below and return it to your respective department

Interdisciplinary Track Form

Students, who completed ordinary level education, have 5 credits with geography or the equivalent can join university college education at a certificate level in the following course programmes:


  1. Computer Aid Design (CAD) for Urban Planners
  2. Surveying and Map Making for Urban Planners
  3. Micro and Macro Economics urban Planners
  4. Logistics and Transport (Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport UK)
  5. Landscape Architecture
  6. Urban Planning and Site Plan Design
  7. Public Hygiene / Epidemiology
  8. Real Estates Management

Students, who completed Advanced level education, have 2 principals, 2 subsidiaries with geography or the equivalent can join university college education at either at a degree or diploma level in the following course programmes:

  1. Urban and Rural planning
  2. Environmental Sciences
  3. Civil Works, Surveying and Engineering
  4. Transport Planning and Modelling

Brochures can be downloaded from here too





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