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Bursaries at 50%

02 jul Posted by in Bursaries at 50 % | Comments


Dear Prospective Students

There are bursaries for student from economically and socially deprived backgrounds for the coming semester- 2014 -2015

Prospective Students, who completed ordinary level education, have 5 credits with geography or the equivalent can join university college education at a certificate level in the following course programmes:

1.                         Computer Aided Design (CAD) for Urban Planners

2.                         Surveying and Map Making for Urban Planners

3.                         Micro and Macro Economics for urban Planners

4.                         Logistics and Transport (Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport – UK)

5.                         Landscape Architecture

6.                         Urban Planning and Site Plan Design

7.                         Public Health / Epidemiology

8.                         Environmental Sciences

9.                         Urban Governance and Law

Kampala School for Urban Planning is also offering 50% bursaries to all Prospective students who wish to undertake course programmes in the following fields

a.                         Transport and Logistics (Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (UK/UG)

b.                         Transport Planning and Modelling

c.                         Urban and Rural Planning and Design

d.                         Urban Public Health.

e.                         Environmental Sciences

f.                          Civil Works and Engineering Alt. Surveying

Certificate in Real Estate Finance, Planning and Development

The Certificate in Real Estate Finance, Planning and Development is a 3 weeks course that will benefit professionals in the real estate and construction community who desire knowledge in real estate finance, planning and development. The program is designed for people in real estates businesses that are in career profession in real estate and development. It is also designed for those who seek to obtain more education or specialization within the industry without committing to further higher education. This certificate is also available to graduate students in Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, or Public Administration who wish to gain related expertise in Real Estate Finance, Planning and Development.

For further Details come to or call

Kampala School for Integrated Urban Planning

2nd Floor Master Wood Plaza

Tel: +256 (0)752 -972 960



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